HomeOrganic chemistry Ist semester
Organic chemistry  Ist semester
Organic chemistry  Ist semester

Organic chemistry Ist semester

Product Description

NAME OF TOPICS which included in this book 1- Nature of bonding in organic molecules 2- Chemical bonding 3 -Huckel molecular orbital theory 4-Perturbation theory 5-Steric Inhibition of resonance 6-Hyperconjugation 7-Aromaticity 8-Alternet and Non alternate Hydrocarbon 9-Fullerenes 10-Tautomerism 11-Crown ether 12- Inclusion compound 13- Cyclodextrins 14-STEREOCHEMISTRY 15-Insomerism 16-STEREOISOMERS 17-ELEMENT of symmetry 18-Chiral center 19-Racemisation 20-Stereospecific and Stereoselective Reactions 21-Asymmetric synthesis 22-OPTICAL activity in Chiral carbon 23-Stereochemistry of P, N, S 24-Geometrical isomerism 25-CONFORMATION ANALYSIS of all 26- CONFORMATION OF FUSED RING 27-MOLECULARITY 28-Thermodynamics Versus kinetic 29-HAMMET equation 30-TAFT equation 31-HARD AND SOFT ACID AND BASE 32-CARBANION ,Carbcation, nitrenes, Benzynes,Ylides 33-APLIPHATIC NUCKEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION SN1 ,SN2 ,SNi 34- Neighbouring group Participation 35-Nucleophilic substitution at Allylic carbon,Trigonal , Vinylic carbon , 36- AMBIDENT substrate 37- Esterufication and Ester hydrolysis 38- ALIPHATIC ELECTROPHILIC SUBSTITITION 39- SE1 and SE2 AND SEi 40-all type halogenation 41 -Diazo transfer reaction 42-Diazonium coupling 43-Nitrosation at nitroget


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